In Porn 5k you have the largest selection of videos of pussy food, clitoris blowjobs and everything related to cunnilingus. Undoubtedly one of the most widespread practices of porn (lesbian and heterosexual) is that where one of the lovers of bed licks, sucks, tastes or nibbles a vagina and commonly known as pussy food. Or in other words: oral sex in a feminine key and that from this corner we offer you with the biggest experts: Lissa Ann, Jelena Jensen, Jenna Sativa, Kenna James, Celeste Star and many more.
From the Latin word cunnus (cunt) and lingo (lick) comes the word cunnilingus and refers to the practice of oral sex or fellatio only in female genitalia and all its variants: 69, cunnilingus lesbian, autocunnilingus, humming (making a guttural sound with the throat quer produces tickling in the pussy), etc.
But in addition to the above this category puts special emphasis on tutorials on "how to do a proper fellatio" or "how to become a master of cunnilingus", that is, the definitive guidelines with exercises, postures and other techniques to eat a pussy like a fucking champion. After all this string of videos on cunnilingus and pussy food you will have no excuse when your mouth is less than a span of a delicious pussy.
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